

Download the latest release, unzip and drag to your Applications folder.

MacOS doesn't allow me to start the app

On MacOS Sierra and newer, if you try to open an app that is not signed by an identified developer you get a warning dialog. To override your security settings and open the app:

In the Finder, locate the app you want to open. Control-click the app icon, then choose Open from the shortcut menu.

More information: PH25088

P.S. If you want to help us get rid of this problem and/or would like Quickwords to auto-update you can go to our Patreon page and see the details.

Linux & Windows

Linux and Windows versions of the app are coming soon. In the meantime all PRs are very welcome.

Manual build *

Required Node version v8.3.0.

git clone
cd quickwords
npm i
npm run dev # for a watcher, or npm run prod for one-time build
npm run start # in seperate window

npm run test # Run tests
npm run lint # Run linter